Online Pottery Course | Intermediate
6 weeks of instructional videos and zoom meetings in small learning groups. This course focuses on getting height and width in your throwing and goes over some trimming, decorating and finishing techniques. This format allows for unlimited access to 2 to 3 videos a week that focus on developing skills that can be applied to a variety of forms. We meet in small learning groups once a week to discuss stretches and successes and share our progress; allowing us to connect with fellow potters and share in each other’s learning. Each week an email is sent out that offers suggestions for skill building exercises and puts into words some of the ideas shared in the videos. Students are required to have access to a potter’s wheel, kiln, glazes and basic tools at least once a week. A minimum of 2 hours a week of studio access is recommended. Please contact me below if you are interested in joining the next session or have further questions.
Week 1:
Wedging and centering larger pieces of clay. Getting height and learning to make narrow forms: tips and tricks, forms to practice, and collaring. Vases, tall cylinders, and bottles.
Week 2:
Tips on trimming all those narrow forms we made last week! Matching the inside and outside of forms. Focus: The Lid. Getting a good fit using calliper, the galleries for lids, making a teapot base and lid as well as some options for lid designs.
Week 3:
Putting it all together: Making spouts, trimming lids and teapots/canister forms, assembling teapots, adding knobs and making handles for larger forms.
Week 4:
Plates and flat ware: How to make plates, using the rib effectively, rims, and wide lip forms. How to dry plates to minimize cracking, 3 decorating methods: piercing, carving and adding on.
Week 5:
Trimming: Double and triple feet for flat ware, trimming delicate edged pieces. Handling larger pieces to reduce cracking and breakage.
Taking care of details on pierced, carved and decorated work.
Week 6:
Waxing flat ware and wider pieces. Options for waxing on lids. Glazing tips for glazing larger and taller pieces. Glazing plates: dipping and pouring.
To enrol for the next available class please contact me via email.